Apr 27, 2010

April (12) : I'm Going to World Cup South Africa

Are you excited to see world cup in another 44 days to go... are you going to watch live at South africa or just watching at ur flat screen tv? guess what, i going to watch at tv too... hahaha... Hope so..

i not a big fan or fanatic fan that like my others friends but i will watch people watch world cup...

As i listen to Beyonce right now singing Diva there still 44 days 17 hours and 13 min left...

haha.. not exactly you can see the countdown by yourself at http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/

so who will win this time? 
is that real gold? haha
im not really excited about world cup.. im just excited watch people so excited waiting for FIFA... haha..

The group...

South Africa Team.. HomeTEam...

ok thats me.. heheh...

ok c ya..