Apr 20, 2010

April (10) : Dare to smoke again?

Frankly speak, im totally anti-cigarette and i don't like smoker smoke in front of me.. My brother and my friends totally understand that i really hate the smell and they try to avoid smoking in front of me.. and this morning, i read one of post in my bloglist from Mommy Qastalani. it is advertisement about smoking causing death.

One thing i about this video is its very educate and if people in malaysia doing this i don't thing the smokers will ever dare to smoke again.. nice work.. and im not sure where the video came from (i mean which country) and its only for muslim. 

But seriously, smoking is not good at all... For those who smoke please try to stop it as soon as possible. I know it hard cause i help my friend a few years ago to stop smoke and hard at first but later its okay.

watch this...

p/s dare to smoke again, friends?
ok c ya..