This semester, i took a subject that really tough and can make u throw away ur laptop and break up with your bf/gf immediately!! haha.. well the subject call Fundamental of Computer Graphic... in the class we been thought to make a fundamental graphic using dirext X inside Visual C++, every week we have tutorial to be pass up the next week and assignment follow after that... i cry in my room every nite when lecturer gv us assignment.. (nop, i just kiding) hehe.. well, luckily i manage to do it by help from my friends and make it posible to get good score in the exam... Amen...
this some photo of wat we have done in this course and not really nice coz we made it so quickly and hv no time to make it creatively and perfectly like my coursemate, Tuk Ban..(Choong Wei Chen)...
2nd week
3rd week
4th week
5th week
6th week
7th week
for week 8 still not finish coz very hard to do it.. huhu... da...