Feb 20, 2010

February (5) : Shakirah's Felt [Promo]

You know what is felt? according to Wikipedia felt is a non-woven cloth that is produced by matting, condensing and pressing woollen fibers. While some types of felt are very soft, some are tough enough to form construction materials. Felt can be of any color, and made into any shape or size.

So, what is shakira's felt?

My freak friend, Shakira ask me to promote her hand craft.. so this is her blog... come visit her pinkness's blog...
click to visit her blog...

This is the big tauke of this business... hahah





The price is depends on the accessories you want her to put..
The design you can sent to her as you like as long as the design is not really hard!! hahah
interested to give to your friends, bf, gf as a present..
just contact me here or contact direct to her via blog..
thank you...
the price is can be negotiate later..
